Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Vegetable Garden

We were all very excited to plant our first vegetable garden.  As you can see poor Rick was the only one who actually "planted the garden."  We gave him lots of emotional support from the sidelines! :)  We planted lettuce, green onions, parsley, cilantro and green peppers. We will keep you posted on the progress.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Captain Underpants

For those of you who don't read the literary series "Captain Underpants" (ha ha). Dylan and Ada love potty humor.  They thought it would be funny to pretend to be Capain Underpants and bounce on the trampoline.  And yes, they have underware on. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quotes to Remember

"This is humilitating" Dylan

"Excuse myself." Ada

"Remember the honesty book? You are not being honest." Ada (except she meant sharing)

"This booster seat is lame." Ada

I hung a calendar on the wall and Dylan, 5, walks over and says, "Hey, you have a schedule." I said "I just put up this calendar, do you like it?" he says "That is so 90's."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ada's Birthday Celebration at School

Ada's school had us take this candle home to decorate it. They asked the whole family to come into the classroom on Friday so we could light the candle and share some stories about the day that Ada was born. It was really special and a nice celebration for all of us.

You can see some pictures that her teacher took of the celebration.

When I went to pick her up that day I was having a conversation with one of her teachers. She said she really couldn't get over the fact that Ada was just turning three. She said she thought for sure that she was 4 years old. She couldn't believe how clearly she speaks, communicates and writes. Not to mention she is also the size of a four year old. The teacher said, "She truly is an exceptional child." Of course Rick and I think that but it was really nice to hear that from someone who is around preschoolers all day. We are so proud of her!

Ada's 3rd Birthday

Yesterday was Ada's 3rd Birthday and we had a really great day. She picked the friends she wanted to invite to her party and it was Vivian, Riley and Ella. Unfortunatley Vivian was sick and couldn't make it but we still had a blast with everyone that was there. Besides her friends (and their families) we also had Beth and Lenny (our nanny when Lauri was working) and Aaron, Maggi and Gwen.
Before the birthday party Ada was taking a nap and Rick was in the shower. The house was quiet and I hear a kissing noise. I turn the corner and see Dylan in front of a poster board that I made with a bunch of pictures of Ada for the party. He was kissing each picture of Ada.

A little later I was putting the finishing touches on Ada's castle cake and Dylan came in the kitchen to see it for the first time. His whole face lit up and he said, "Lauri Nowlan!"

We all had fun at the party. We had a crown pinata and pin the crown on Ariel game. All the girls had several costume changes throughout the evening. The kids mostly played on the trampoline and had a great time.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Only 12 more weeks to go!

Worms for Dinner Anyone?

I came into the kitchen to start cooking dinner one night and found a live bowl of worms on my counter. If you look closely you can see two of them slithering across my counter... BOYS!